Nice little short from some students at Ringling.
Friday, 10 December 2010
Monday, 6 December 2010
Thought of you (Ryan Woodward)
Just gorgeous, thanks to James M for the link...
Behind the scenes -
Behind the scenes -
music video,
short film
Friday, 26 November 2010
Les Metiers: Le Boulanger
Some great character design here with some equally good animation - love the little details like the mass of the dough and the glow from the baking oven.
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Rhinoceros 1515, Kazuhiko Nakamura (3D)
Saw this on CG Talk this morning, really love the mixture of steampunk styling with museum exhibit composition and something of an ancient natural history illustration look to it.
Click here or the image for the large version.
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Tom Richmond Illustration (MAD Magazine)
I've long been a fan of the artwork of MAD Magazine. I'm just becoming familiar with the artists behind this though, through a couple of recent articles. Tom Richmond's artwork embodies many of the distinguishing qualities; rich characterisation, vibrant compositions with life that leaps off the page, and attention to tiny details that reward keen reader with some comical touches.
Click here or on the image to link to his site
I found this paint Demo of Tom's on YouTube, interesting watching his technique in time lapse.
Related key MAD artists:
Mort Drucker
Sebastian Krüger
MAD magazine,
Mort Drucker,
Sebastian Kruger
Friday, 8 October 2010
A-Ha Take on Me video is 25 years old. (Animator interview on BBC News)
I still remember the first time I saw this video, it had me glued to the TV in wonder as a ten-year-old kid! I ageree with the opinion that both the song and video have stood the test of time very well, and there are some interesting insights in this short news item.
"The band and actors were shot on film before the tapes were handed to Mike Patterson who, over 16 weeks, sketched some 3,000 drawings over individual frames."
- Full Story on BBC here.
Take on Me
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Kahani. Final Year student film (Meg Park)
From Cartoon Brew:
"Kahani is short film created by student Meg Park in her final year at Dundee’s Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design. Park definitely shows talent in color design, effects and pacing – in some ways her making-of video is more inspiring than the finished film."
Making of video here:
> Production Blog
> Personal Website
Character Animation,
colour study,
Creature Animation,
Meg Park,
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Disney Amiga Animation Software, 1990
In 1990 this was the future! Interesting stuff though, I had an Amiga for years and never heard of this software, perhaps it was never commercially released...
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Salesman Pete
Thatnks for this Chris! This is a bit special. Following up from an earlier post, the full version of this highly polished student short film is now online.
I can't help but feel that with a more coherent story this would be an instant classic, like French Roast. As it is, it's visually stunning with some great action sequences, but gets a little lost in the flashy editing at key points which leaves you wondering what's going on.
Take nothing from the achievement though, great work from all involved and clearly worked by a talented and passionate team.
View their other project, "Meet Buck", on their promo website:
Friday, 17 September 2010
I saw this by chance at the Cambridge Film Festival last night. After the film I heard a lot of interesting comparisons; lost in translation with extra terrestrials, Close Encounters of the Third Kind for starters. Personally I felt it was to Cloverfield what Contact was to Independence Day; a quietly paced, thought-provoking film, far from the action-horror which the trailer portrays.
I'd actually strongly suggest not watching the trailer or reading reviews as spoilers abound, just watch it for yourself. It'll divide opinion as a film, but it shows just what can me achieved on a limited budget with a little imagination. There's a sense of atmosphere and spectacle to this that transcends a lot of recent flashy blockbuster set pieces. I loved it.
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
iPad Light Painting
Inventive use of the iPad to extrude stop-motion type 'into' 3d space.
motion graphics,
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
Il etait une fois (Benjamin Lacombe)
Lovely animated promo for this French Illustrator's pop-up book depicting various fairtales.
Thursday, 5 August 2010
Between Bears (Eran Hilleli)
Beautiful abstract student piece, will update properly later.
Character Animation
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Red River Bay (Gobelins, for Annecy 2010)
Nice work from some of the current Gobelins crop for an Annecy 2010 promo. Is that chalk pastel?
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Behold, the iCade!
Retro, spritey, old-school arcade goodness always has a place here! This isn't real... yet. Not unthinkable though, and the related article shows how an April fool's day hoax may not be that unrealistic after all.
Here's the site:
and related artical with something similar working...
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
Alphabet (Pavel Pavlov)
I haven't posted any true graphic design work in a while, so here goes! Animated alphabet by Sofia based Pavel Pavlov, who incidentally has a nice website too.
graphic design,
motion graphics,
Sunday, 11 July 2010
Thursday, 1 July 2010
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
B-Movie competition winners (CG Society Challenge)
The shear range of great ideas have proven this to be one online competition that has really grabbed the attention of a lot of seriously talented individuals. I'm going to take time to look at all of the entries, having a real interest in old B-Movie imagery and classic film posters.
Take your time, there's a lot of great work here.
Cinema Posters
Salesman Pete and the Amazing Stone, WIP...
This is so good it will make you feel nausious; a student project as polished as just about any fine studio short, one of those rare gems even during this spell of summer rich pickings. Check out the translated production blog here for more info and images.
The posterized colour palette has translated beatifully to the finished render for an almost 2d look. Cracking stuff.
View the rest of the WIP Here on Vimeo.
Character Animation,
Salesman Pete
Jonny Kofoed Website
A gorgeously styled ad for Pam's food stuffs tops the bill on this talented chaps updated website. It has a really tactile look to it, all half-tone patterns and illustrutive character design.
Jonny Kofoed
'Reel'y Inspiring Vimeo Channel
Vimeo channel showcasing character animation demo reels, looking forward to going through these when I'm not dropping off to sleep!
Friday, 28 May 2010
I am Iron Baby (Jocelyn Strob Simard - StrobFX)
Polished and comical take on Iron Man - everyone seems to be making this suit lately!
- View CG Talk thread
Iron Baby,
Iron Man,
Jocelyn Strob Simard,
Pixar Canada Opens for business in Vancouver
Pixar opens a new studio producing short format films using existing Pixar characters for TV and digital media:
- Website
- Introduction
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Walk Challenge 2010: Contest Winners (Spline Doctors)
Cheers for this Chris! Spline Doctors Walk Challenge 2010, the winners. Loving the disco guy at the end! Rub some funk on it...
Here's the link to the contest at - click here
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
Fly (Aardman)
Good little short from Aardman, a little different to what you might expect from them (self-funded project).
- Creative Review Article
Character Animation,
short film
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Azureus Rising (Black Sun Entertainment)
Stylish piece from US studio Black Sun Entertainment.
More info here on Motionographer...
Friday, 23 April 2010
Thursday, 22 April 2010
Buck bring paint swatches to life for Sherwin-Williams
American studio Buck bring a great concept for paint manufacturer Serwin-Williams. Colour swatches are animated representing a range of environments and the creatures, houses and vehicles within. This ispart of a larger campaign, so we can look forward to a few more of these.
Nice breakdown & interview on Motionographer.
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
I Love Dust: Featured Website
Great illustration, design, typography and of course animation from this London/South Coast based dual studio outfit.
graphic design,
Friday, 9 April 2010
Pixels (Patrick Jean)
Uploaded by onemoreprod. - Independent web videos.
This appeals to both my nostalgic side and a newly resurrected interest in pixel derived art, sprite animation and all things Commodore & arcade! Beautifully done...
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
1st Personal animation up here for C&C!
I'm setting up another blog for my own work, maybe somewhere we can all stick sideline projects, reels etc for c&c, encouragement and feedback? What d'you think?
I'll move this there once that's set up. For now here's something I've been tinkering with for a few evenings and would like to improve. It's a clip I've wanted to animate in a more cartoony way on a character for a while, so I started by setting up a rotoscoped step pass of the reference which is blocked out here:
The roto version looks very slow and lacks any snap when played back by itself and the poses look stiff and lack fluidity; I've since adjusted the timing and key positions but would like some feedback on how it looks, as well as whether any of the poses could be pushed further etc. The jump-through at the end is only very roughly blocked, so ignore that part for now. All C&C welcome, it's a few days from being complete!
Below is an update based on the C&C you guys gave me. I've tried to hold some poses, really push the c shapes in the left/right switches for contrast and vary the timing. It's now a lot different to the straight roto but could use another crit at this stage. You can still ignore the end, I've not done much with that!
New version:
And the side-by-side changes, last week to this week.
I'll move this there once that's set up. For now here's something I've been tinkering with for a few evenings and would like to improve. It's a clip I've wanted to animate in a more cartoony way on a character for a while, so I started by setting up a rotoscoped step pass of the reference which is blocked out here:
The roto version looks very slow and lacks any snap when played back by itself and the poses look stiff and lack fluidity; I've since adjusted the timing and key positions but would like some feedback on how it looks, as well as whether any of the poses could be pushed further etc. The jump-through at the end is only very roughly blocked, so ignore that part for now. All C&C welcome, it's a few days from being complete!
Below is an update based on the C&C you guys gave me. I've tried to hold some poses, really push the c shapes in the left/right switches for contrast and vary the timing. It's now a lot different to the straight roto but could use another crit at this stage. You can still ignore the end, I've not done much with that!
New version:
And the side-by-side changes, last week to this week.
personal work
Skateboard Animation
Stop motion animation made from random magazine and web photo cut-outs, cheers for the link Ricky.
Stop-motion. skateboard
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
List of Inspiring Animators....
Thanks Almudena for this list; links to reels, websites and blogs. Looks like it's going to be well worth going through this one by one!
Thanks Almudena for this list; links to reels, websites and blogs. Looks like it's going to be well worth going through this one by one!
Friday, 26 March 2010
The Daily Zoo (Chris Ayers)
"This is an inspiring collection of illustrations from top concept artist Chris Ayers created during his first year of recovery from leukaemia. In the spring of 2005, Chris Ayers was busy working as a concept artist in the Hollywood film industry. That all came crashing to a halt when he was diagnosed with leukaemia. After a year-long period of treatment and recovery, he started a sketchbook called "The Daily Zoo" on the anniversary of his diagnosis. Over the next 365 days he would draw one animal character each day, challenging not only his self-discipline but also his imagination. Most importantly, it allowed him the opportunity to celebrate the gift of each healthy day. Chock-full of wonderful creatures, ranging from curious pandas to sinister hyenas, athletic aardvarks to zealous zebra's, as well as Ayers touching commentary about his experience with cancer, this volume will leave you inspired as well as amused."
Website here.
chris ayers,
concept art,
Monday, 1 March 2010
Animation ABC - How it Works (Cirkus Animation)
There've been a lot of comical prods at the client/artist relationship lately. This is more of an instruction video for the unenlightened client - must've been born of some frustrating encounters though! Nicely done in a 50's 'infomercial' stylee. : )
Thursday, 18 February 2010
Bad Day in Gesture Drawing Class

gesture drawing,
life drawing
Friday, 12 February 2010
The Whispered World (Deadalic Entertainment)
German games developer Deadalic Entertainment have released a great looking point and click adventure, in the same genre as the recently featured Machinarium. Great rich colour palette and illustrative style - two very different stylistic approaches. More artwork on the site, click here.
colour study,
point and click
Monday, 8 February 2010
2010 Oscar Nominations for Best Short Film
- The Lady and the Reaper - (Kandor Moon)
- Logorama - (H5)
- French Roast - (Pumkin Studio)
- Wallace and Gromit: A Matter of Loaf and Death - (Aardman)
- Granny O'Grimm - (Brown Bag Films)
Character Animation,
short film
Friday, 5 February 2010
"A.D." teaser (directed by Ben Hibon)
Atmospheric little set-piece teaser for an upcoming animated zombie flick. This is directed by Ben Hibon who was also responsible for our own Heavenly Sword story animations, an excellent spot for MTV called Codehunters, and a host of other work you may be familiar with.
More from him here:
Stateless Films
Ben Hibon,
Character Animation,
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Tostitos “Salsa” (Laika)
Animation studio Laika who were behind Coraline also have a commercial wing called Laika/House. This spot is directed by Nicholas Weigel who was also involved with Psyop on the wonderful Inside the Happiness Factory for Coke.
Happiness Factory,
Nicholas Weigel,
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
CGS Production Focus: Where the Wild Things Are
Annecy 08 promo (Andres Salaff)
Another great use of colour, this time from Cal Arts graduate Andres Salaff. The inky watercoloured backgrounds and use of what looks like oil pastels on the feathers near the end of the clip lend this a distinctive look.
Andres Salaff. Annecy,
colour study,
oil pastel
Inka Bola (Gobelins)
Wonderful expressive stylised character design remeniscent of both Up and Disney's Hercules, great vibrant colour palette and top notch animation...
colour study,
Thursday, 28 January 2010
Skhizein (Jérémy Clapin,2008)
The style of this Oscar nominated French short film suits the stark quirkiness of the storyline very well. From the drab colour palette of muted greens and browns to the restrained use of ambient sound, there's an unsettling atmosphere throughout.
You quickly start to feel for the main character with his inconvenient situation. Set out in a style of animation that recalls paper cut outs and cardboard cutout backgrounds, there's a deliberate effort to make this look as though it's been hand-made. Some great attention to detail.
Richard Williams Documentary (1982)
A 1982 documentary on the Richard Williams Studio, Williams himself, his projects, and the painstaking process of animation. Featuring much interview footage of Richard Williams. Includes clips from The Thief and the Cobbler, his studio's commercials, A Christmas Carol, his shorts, and even Williams' jazz band.
The following pages have additional links to other Williams archived films and projects.
The following pages have additional links to other Williams archived films and projects.
Richard Williams
Richard Williams Studio Commercials
Anyone growing up in the 80's will be familiar with a lot of these. From the listing:
"A collection of many of the most famous of the commercials produced at 13 Soho Square in London. Includes a Diet Coke commercial filmed on the set of Who Framed Roger Rabbit, as well as commercials for Shell, Cresta, Tic Tacs, Sex Appeal, Fanta, the Pink Panther commercials for TDK and Owens-Corning, and many more!"
Reel 1
Reel 2
Link to more Richard Williams archived material.
"A collection of many of the most famous of the commercials produced at 13 Soho Square in London. Includes a Diet Coke commercial filmed on the set of Who Framed Roger Rabbit, as well as commercials for Shell, Cresta, Tic Tacs, Sex Appeal, Fanta, the Pink Panther commercials for TDK and Owens-Corning, and many more!"
Reel 1
Reel 2
Link to more Richard Williams archived material.
Richard Williams
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Studio Links Added
Down on the right there, I've started a list of studios large and small. Any suggestions on additions are more than welcome!
Winter Olympics on the BBC (Studio AKA).
Something of a black and white theme forming this month, purely coincidentally! This is a great spot from Studio AKA for the Beeb's upcoming coverage of the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics. It pits a lone Inuit agains the perils of the Canadian wilderness with only his skills in the events of the games to save his skin!
Great to see animation being embraced once again as a medium to promote TV coverage of sporting events, following on from the 2008 Olympics Monkey promo....
Monday, 25 January 2010
Black and White, short film by Gabor Lendvai (Animation Mentor).
One of the most original short films I've seen come out of Animation Mentor so far, with some good playful character animation and a well executed stylistic approach showing how an ambient occlusion pass can be used in context as a deliberate aesthetic choice.
ambient occlusion,
animation mentor,
ping pong
Monday, 18 January 2010
Drawing Prince Naveen (Disney)
Short and sweet with some lovely poses and gesturing as you might expect.
cel animation,
hand drawn,
prince naveen
Friday, 15 January 2010
Machinarium (Amanita Design)
Harking back to the old days of point and click adventures, this is now attracting a lot of attention, and rightly so. I've yet to play for long but it's clear this has a distinctive style and is the result of a labour of love from small and passionate team.
The backgrounds look like watercolour images from a childrens' book and the quirky nature of the puzzles sets this apart.
This CGS Feauture has links to the game itself and gives an insightful account of the game's development.
point and click
Thursday, 14 January 2010
"The Sunny Side of the Street" (Soulcage)
Ricky reminded me of this old gem from German studio Soulcage. Lovely game-of-two-halves concept and great comical music and silent movie film treatment. The animation style suits the piece perfectly too.
- CGS "Making of" Article
- CGS Feature with links to the movie (May have to 'allow popup')
- Soulcage
Character Animation,
silent movie,
Monday, 11 January 2010
Onesize: The American Dollar, Anything You Synthesize
I sent this link around a year or so ago but still love the concept, and the strange evocative feel of this piece. It's not the most technically polished CG you'll see, but it takes nothing from the atmosphere and it suits the track perfectly.
It's interesting to read that this originally played the other way round, with the end being the beginning. The decision to reverse it was a happy accident in editing, and completely changes the concept; whilst it seems like it now has a happy ending though, there's a bleakness in knowing the fate of the lush closing shots.
The Third & The Seventh
Happy New Year! Thought it was about time I gave the ol blog a tart up and post something new. Plenty more to come soon, just finding the time to update it.
This is very impressive - another one-man-band of the rare breed that can actually boast a whole smorgasbord of talents. I hate him, of course...
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